A 5-Star Review for Magical Max and Magical Matthew
on September 23, 2015
Magical series by award-winning children’s author, Penelope Anne Cole
continues onward with another spectacular journey, this time Magical Max
and Magical Mickey.
Siblings Matthew and Mea are intrigued and concerned at the sudden announcement for a family meeting. The two once magical siblings speculate as to what the meeting could be about. Stunned by the announcement of their mom’s pregnancy and impending birth of twins raise their concern that their soon to be new siblings will have magical powers as they once did. For you see, they worked hard with their Grandma Nonie to hide their once magical powers from their parents. What will happen with Matthew off at college, Mea busy with middle school and Grandma Nonie not as capable of all she once did? Will chaos ensue? Or will all the worry be for naught? Find out, as the newly expanded family takes a journey of discovery.
Penelope Anne Cole has crafted yet another “magical” story to churn the creative minds of our young muses.
The spectacular illustrations of Kevin Scott Collier create a wonderful aging process for all the characters.
NOTE: I do not receive monetary compensation nor any other incentive for my reviews.
Siblings Matthew and Mea are intrigued and concerned at the sudden announcement for a family meeting. The two once magical siblings speculate as to what the meeting could be about. Stunned by the announcement of their mom’s pregnancy and impending birth of twins raise their concern that their soon to be new siblings will have magical powers as they once did. For you see, they worked hard with their Grandma Nonie to hide their once magical powers from their parents. What will happen with Matthew off at college, Mea busy with middle school and Grandma Nonie not as capable of all she once did? Will chaos ensue? Or will all the worry be for naught? Find out, as the newly expanded family takes a journey of discovery.
Penelope Anne Cole has crafted yet another “magical” story to churn the creative minds of our young muses.
The spectacular illustrations of Kevin Scott Collier create a wonderful aging process for all the characters.
NOTE: I do not receive monetary compensation nor any other incentive for my reviews.