Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Two More 5-Star Reviews for
What's for Dinner?

on December 12, 2015
Love this book because it will help kids understand and appreciate different cultures through something all of us share - Food! And it's an enjoyable story as the main character worries about what sh'll have to eat when she dines with a friend from another country.
on December 3, 2015
What’s for Dinner? by Penelope Anne Cole

The problem with trying different foods is that you don’t always know if they will be gross or yummy. What if the food is from a different country? In the book What’s for Dinner?, children’s author Penelope Anne Cole has deftly captured kids’ curiosity and their fears about trying different types of food.

Written for 5-8 year-olds, the story serves up a celebration of diversity and friendship through an exploration of ethnic food. When Katy’s new Nigerian friend, Amaeka, invites her to dinner, she begins to wonder: What do Nigerians eat? Katy’s friends don’t know, but they have heard about and read about some weird traditional foods eaten by people from all sorts of different cultures. Even American gastronomical oddities make the list.

Artist Samantha S. Bell’s bold, colorful illustrations enhance the narrative and the reading experience. Teachers, librarians and parents will appreciate the backmatter ingredients which include recipes, a map of Nigeria, and additional sources of information.

Ms. Cole’s book successfully connects kids and cultures through the time-honoured tradition of sharing a meal. What’s for Dinner? is a delicious way to inspire classroom and family discussions about cultural diversity.

What's for Dinner? Penelope Anne Cole, Samantha Bell, diversity, different foods, dinner, sharing, family, friends, Nigeria, tasting food.

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